Mānoa Now is the consortium of student-led media organizations on the University of Hawaii at Mānoa campus. It is composed of Ka Leo O Hawaii, a biweekly tabloid newspaper with 10,000 circulation; kaleo.org website and @kaleoohawaii social media. It also includes Hawaii Review, the biannual literary journal that can be found at hawaiireview.org; University of Hawaii Productions, UHPro.org, which produces commercial, feature and news videos; and KTUH, the 24/7 FM radio station that broadcasts at 90.1 FM and 91.1 (North Shore), ktuh.org and Oceanic Digital Cable 866. All of these organizations are overseen by the Student Media Board, an organization chartered by the University of Hawaii Board of Regents to provide Mānoa students with co-curricular learning experiences to complement. The Board is led by students including Chair Yu Sasaki. They can be reached at
[email protected] or (808) 956-7043.